How to Call Forth the Best in People

I have found the best way to get another to acquire a virtue is to impute it to him.” – Winston Churchillcamera lens

Another way to say that is: When you see and appreciate the best in people, and they want to live up to it.

Constructive criticism such as, “I did not appreciate the way you spoke to me in front of our friends, and I want you to be more polite in the future,” rarely leads to improvement.

Instead, try something like this: “Thanks for noticing that I was becoming embarrassed during our interaction in front of our friends. I appreciate that you went along with it when I changed the subject. Now that we are in private, is there more you want to discuss?”

How to Call Forth the Best in People2016-11-23T09:38:47-07:00

How to Make the Most of Criticism

Close-up of magnifying glass focusing on two peopleInstead of deflecting a critical comment by counter-attacking, blaming, or pointing out the flaws of the one who leveled it at you, try using it as a starting point for introspection.

In the moment, you can say, “Thanks for sharing that with me. I will give it some consideration.”

Then, at your earliest convenience, do exactly that by asking yourself, “In what ways could this criticism of me be true?”

There’s very little anyone can accuse you of that won’t have at least a grain of truth to it.

And when you can identify that grain, tiny though it may be, you will also have found an opportunity.

Because once you see it, you can either work to change it or work to accept it and minimize the harm you cause to others because of it.

Who knows —  someday you might even find yourself actively seeking and welcoming criticism because of the empowering insights it reveals!

How to Make the Most of Criticism2016-11-23T09:38:47-07:00

Don’t Talk About Your Partner This Way

Construction Worker TripletsIt’s pretty obvious that the way you talk to your partner has a huge impact on the quality of your relationship.

But did you know that the way you speak about your partner can also damage or support the health of your relationship?

Consider these common statements:

My wife would never let me use my vacation days on a guy’s trip.

My husband wouldn’t allow me to wear something like that in public.

Each contains the implication that the speaker is not in control of his or her own choices and behavior. And that’s simply not true.

Speaking about your partner using this language puts you in a subservient, disempowered position, which is fertile breeding ground for rage, resentment, and hostility — toxic emotions that seriously threaten the health and stability of your partnership.

For contrast, see how these feel:

My wife would really like to take a family trip later this year, and I’ve decided to save my vacation time for that.

My husband would feel embarrased if I wore something like that in public, so I chose this dress instead.

This is much more in alignment with the truth. Your partner likely has preferences, and you are free to consider or disregard those preferences while deciding your course of action.

True, there might be some potentially unpleasant reactions from your partner that factor in to your decision — some people have a harder time than others coping with a partner’s disapproval or disappointment.

But even if you decide not to go on that guys’ trip or wear that dress based on your partner’s preference, it’s still your choice to make. And using language that takes full responsibility for your decisions fosters strong, healthy relationships.

Don’t Talk About Your Partner This Way2016-11-23T09:38:47-07:00

How to Respond When Your Children Are Upset

When we see our kids hurting or suffering, no matter what age they are, we wayoung child covering eyesnt to comfort them.

Often our first instinct is to tell them that everything will be ok, or that they will be fine.

But here’s the thing — when people of any age are upset, they crave understanding much more than reassurance.

So instead of reassuring, try acknowledging what they are feeling and experiencing, like this:

You studied so hard for that test and it’s really disappointing not to get the grade you wanted.


You just can’t stand it when people say things like that about you!


You wish you could just play with your trucks in the sand all day, and it’s a bummer that we have to go home soon.

When you give this a try, you will probably notice that understanding is quite a soothing balm in and of itself, and your child might start to settle down even if the upsetting situation has not actually changed one iota.

The grade is still lower than hoped for, the gossip continues, and the park must still be vacated soon, but after receiving your understanding your child may find it easier to accept these realities.

How to Respond When Your Children Are Upset2016-11-23T09:38:48-07:00

Help Me Understand

listeningThe next time you are tempted to confront someone about their inexcusable behavior or bad attitude, consider that very few of us respond to criticism or negative feedback with a genuine desire to improve.

It’s more likely that we become snarky and passive-aggressive and take the attitude or behavior underground where it can avoid detection yet still do damage.

Instead, try this approach:  Pull the person aside to a private location, ideally behind a closed door, and in a warm tone of voice, say something like, “Help me understand what just went on in the staff meeting,” or, “I’m wondering about the pile of dirty dishes in your room.”

Getting the issue on the table in this way will help to reduce the defensiveness that naturally arises when people perceive themselves as under attack. And the lower the defensiveness, the more quickly issues
can get resolved.

Help Me Understand2016-11-23T09:38:48-07:00

How to Refuse Requests

closed please call againMany of us aren’t sure how to say no in a way that preserves the health of our relationships, so we either give a hit-and-run-no, or we say yes when we shouldn’t and then feel resentment.

Here’s a little formula for refusing a request:

1)  Start with a thank you.

2)  State that you’d like to help.

3)  BRIEFLY explain why you can’t do exactly what they ask.

4)  Offer something you CAN do.

5)  If applicable, provide information that might help to avoid this problem in the future.

Here’s how it might sound in a personal relationship context:

Thanks for keeping track of what time Suzy needs to be picked up tonight.

I’d love to leave work a little early to get her, and we have that department meeting this afternoon, which usually runs late. I’d hate to keep her waiting in the cold if I can’t get out of here on time.

Would you be willing to pick her up this time? There’s no meeting next Wednesday, so I will make sure to arrange my schedule so I can pick her up then.

Hey, how about if I grab some takeout on my way home tonight so we don’t have to worry about cooking dinner?

Here’s how it might look in a business context:

Thanks for letting me know about the extra data you’d like me to add to the briefing report.

I’d like to turn this around for you as quickly as possible, and I will be out of the office in a training all morning. I will get these revisions integrated and return the report to you by 3 pm at the latest.

I’ll be in training several mornings this week, and will check email during breaks. I will let you know that I’ve received your request and give you a time by which you can expect to receive the revisions. Typically it will be before 4:30 pm.

I appreciate your business, and look forward to hearing about how well your presentation goes!

How to Refuse Requests2016-11-23T09:38:48-07:00

How to Give Feedback

Croissant SandwichHere’s how to communicate a piece of feedback about something personal, such as the off-color jokes your partner told at the office party, or the short skirt your daughter wants to wear to her new waitressing job, or the thank you note that your ten year old still has not written to his grandma.

First tell the person you have some brief feedback to share and ask if they’d be open to hearing it.

Then ask them when a good time would be for the two of you to talk in private. This part is really important — embarrassment definitely interferes with trust and open communication.

Serve up a feedback sandwich:

brief feedback in an I-message
invite them to share their response
acknowledge their perspective
compliment/good wishes

Here’s how it can sound:

I think it’s terrific that you got a job!
I’m concerned that you might receive some
uncomfortable attention from customers if
you wear that skirt to the restaurant.
What do you think about that?
Sounds like you want to wear it today
and see how it goes so you can make
an informed decision next time.
Thanks for listening, and I hope
your shift goes great today!

And of course feedback sandwiches should always be garnished with a big helping of respect for the other person’s right to do with it as they wish.

Hope this helps!

How to Give Feedback2016-11-23T09:38:49-07:00

How to Avoid Painful Misunderstandings

He says: Are you sure you want dessert?Chocolate Cake Slice with Raspberries
She hears:  Haven’t you had enough? You should eat less.

He meant:  If we leave right now maybe I can still catch the last quarter of the big game on TV.

When our feelings get hurt while communicating with loved ones, we are typically reacting to what we think the other person meant rather than to what he or she actually said.

However, since meanings are frightfully easy to misinterpret (and most of us are not very good mind-readers), the next time you start to feel angry, defensive, or hurt by something someone has said to you, try responding like this:

I’m not sure what you mean by that…

in as gentle and neutral of a tone as you can.

By putting your reaction on hold until you are clear about the other person’s true intention, you’ll be able to derail unnecessary conflicts before they drain time, love, and energy from your relationship.

How to Avoid Painful Misunderstandings2016-11-23T09:38:49-07:00

Scorekeeping Belongs in Sports, Not Relationships

Football ScoreboardThe idea you owe me causes a great deal of suffering and conflict in relationships. Obligation is never a satisfying motivation, whether you are on the giving end or the receiving end of the resulting action.

Our minds often keep score in our relationships, and then try to guilt ourselves or others into keeping the tally even.

But our hearts simply want to give, and hold no expectation of reciprocity.

Try conducting yourself as if no one owes you anything, and see how your relationships change.

Even after all this time
The sun never says to the earth,
“You owe Me.”

Look what happens with
A love like that,
It lights the Whole Sky.

– from The Gift – Poems by Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky

Scorekeeping Belongs in Sports, Not Relationships2016-11-23T09:38:49-07:00

How to Resolve Conflicts with a Two Part Conversation

coupleinconflictWhen emotions flare, clear thinking evaporates. And nothing triggers emotion like conflict.

So to take the pressure off, allow yourselves to divide your problem-solving conversations into two phases: information-gathering and brainstorming.

During the information-gathering phase, your only job is to understand your partner’s perspective and concerns.

Since you know you won’t have to solve anything, it will be easier to listen carefully because you won’t be mentally rehearsing your rebuttal while your partner is talking. Instead of a clever, convincing comeback, you should reiterate your partner’s concerns, and ask him or her to correct your understanding if your synopsis is inaccurate. Then switch roles.

Stay with this discussion until you both feel heard and understood. Then take a break, ideally for at least a day, and try to do something fun together before you start phase two of your discussion.

Start the brainstorming phase with each of you giving a brief summary of the other person’s perspective and concerns as you understand them.

Then get out your computer, white board or pad of paper and start jotting down every idea you can think of that could address both your concerns. Go ahead and get silly here if you want – laughter fosters cooperation!

Finally, go back through your list and pull out an idea to experiment with. Agree to try it out for a fixed period of time, and schedule another meeting to evaluate how well it is working. If the first idea does not address both parties’ concerns to your satisfaction, try another idea until you find one that does.

How to Resolve Conflicts with a Two Part Conversation2016-11-23T09:38:50-07:00
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